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안녕하세요, 미트저널입니다.

미트저널은 92년 3월‘월간 식육계’를 창간, 국내 최초로 식육유통지를 발간한 회사로서, 현재‘월간 미트저널’을 비롯해 축산물 시세정보와 각종 유통가 소식을 매일 전하는 ‘일간 미트뉴스’, 양돈 전문지인‘월간 양돈위생’을 발행하고 있습니다. 그 외에도 전문서적 발행 및 각종 카달로그, 브로셔 등 인쇄물을 기획, 출판하고 있습니다.

미트저널은 식육산업의 근간이라 할 수 있는 도축장, 육가공장, 유통업체, 식육점 등을 대상으로 생산에서 소비에 이르는 각종 현안에 대해 각계의 의견을 종합, 각종 정보를 심도깊게 분석해 식육인들이 나아갈 바를 제시하는 한편 정부시책에 대해 의견을 제시, 식육인의 권익을 대변하고 있는 명실공히 식육유통 정론지입니다.

The Meat Journal Co. Ltd. (The Meat Journal, hereinafter) is the company which published a journal dealing with meat distribution business for the first time in Korea through the publication of the journal called ‘Monthly Meat Industry” in March 1992. Currently, we publish a monthly magazine called ‘Monthly Meat Journal’. At the same time, we also publish a daily paper called ‘Daily Meat News’ along with a monthly magazine called “Monthly Pig Feeding and Sanitation.” While the former provides information on the market price trend of livestock products such as imported beef, pork, chicken and a variety of meat market intelligence to the readers, the latter is a journal focusing on hog production business. In addition to publication of the above periodicals, we plan, design, and publish professional books related to meat industry and a variety of catalogues and brochures.

Targeting Korean packers, processors, distributors including importers, wholesale and retail, and food service operators, we collect and analyze the opinions of each of these meat industry participants. This also allows us to provide them with feedback on various issues ranging from production to consumption and ultimately guide them with a sense of direction. We also formulate and present our views on the specific policies and measures of Korean Government so that the interest of meat distribution and processing industries can be properly represented. Through these activities, we are positioned as Korea’s number one meat industry related journal.

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